Spiceworks Account Execs are the people who keep IT free! From wrangling in top tech vendors and helping them provide value to IT pros across the world, there’s a reason we call them “sales warriors!”
Hear from Brande Bradshaw, a Spiceworks Account Exec who’s been working where IT’s social since 2010, on what she loves about her job, what keeps her motivated, and some of the quirks of the Spiceworks sales team.
Spiceworks: Can you tell us a little about what you do at Spiceworks?
Brande Bradshaw: “I work with marketers from technology companies to help them reach their intended audience of IT decision makers.”
SW: What are some of the coolest parts of being a part of the Spiceworks team?
BB: “I would absolutely say the business model – and that it works. I honestly believe that we are the only platform out there that can truly connect marketers to SpiceHeads in a way that’s not your traditional white paper, lead gen, give-me your-contact-info – but that actually helps educate and inform IT guys. It sounds so cheesy – but Spiceworks truly is everything IT for both marketers and SpiceHeads.”
SW: What keeps you motivated?
BB:“My belief and passion in what we’re doing - giving marketers new, creative, out-of-the-box ways to reach IT guys. And then getting to hear about the results they see on a day-to-day basis because of those products.
Also, in a broader scope, just watching such a fast growing, wildly successful start-up where the team is still very cohesive, fun, passionate, smart, and how even as we grow we haven’t lost sight of our culture. We’re working towards something that’s really, really big – and everyday it gets more and more exciting.”
SW: Speaking of culture, can you tell us about the “gong"?
BB: “Oh! The gong! With a lot of start-up cultures there is some sort of gong or bell that people ring when they make a deal. Our gong has been around since the beginning of Spiceworks even when there was just one sales guy. It just goes to show that even with our growth the culture hasn’t subsided. We still ring the gong for the smallest or the biggest deal.”
SW: What makes working at Spiceworks unique compared to other digital media shops?
BB: “Throughout the Spiceworks app and Community, marketers have the ability to not only advertise through banners and email like you would a traditional media agency, but also to engage with IT pros, educate them on their IT products and services, and in some instances even sell directly to them right inside of Spiceworks. With 26+ creative, out-of-the-box product lines and growing, there’s no comparison to a traditional digital media agency.
In a nutshell, there’s a million different ways to reach these guys – it’s not like anything else.”
SW: What makes somebody a good fit for an Account Exec position at Spiceworks?
BB: “Passion. Creativity. Drive. Wanting to be a part of something that’s groundbreaking. And someone who wants to work at the coolest company in Austin!”
SW: How does your job here stack up against positions you’ve had prior to Spiceworks?
BB:“It’s by far, hands down the best. This is my third start-up and although I’ve always had the passion and drive to create something big, here it’s 110% believing in what we’re doing. There’s no doubt in my mind that Spiceworks is an amazing place for both IT pros and marketers – and when you put those two things together – it just works.“