Spiceworks Account Execs are the people who keep IT free! From wrangling in top tech vendors and helping them provide value to IT pros across the world, there’s a reason we call them “sales warriors!”
Hear from Brande Bradshaw, a Spiceworks Account Exec who’s been working where IT’s social since 2010, on what she loves about her job, what keeps her motivated, and some of the quirks of the Spiceworks sales team.
Spiceworks: Can you tell us a little about what you do at Spiceworks?
Brande Bradshaw: “I work with marketers from technology companies to help them reach their intended audience of IT decision makers.”
SW: What are some of the coolest parts of being a part of the Spiceworks team?
BB: “I would absolutely say the business model – and that it works. I honestly believe that we are the only platform out there that can truly...
This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community